download your free 3-part video series

Train with your cycle, get results

Understand how to use your cycle as a tool to get more out of your training


The science of the menstrual cycle


How to understand and know your cycle


How to train with your cycle

Know your cycle, know your body, get results

This powerful 3-part video series will guide you through how to train in each phase of your cycle to get the most out of your training sessions!

Knowing your cycle and how to train with it will give you more energy, help you know when to push hard and when to prioritize recovery!

Use your cycle as a tool. Get it!

    “By signing up I will get instant access to the 3-part series on Training with your cycle" and I will also receive daily email tips and at times, offers for workshops, events and products from Amy Bowe. Once I submit my details I will have to confirm my subscription.” - Warrior, you can unsubscribe at any time!